Limited places remain for Calvert Reconnections’ latest Experience Day on 27 September 2024.

The ground-breaking, Keswick-based ABI rehab unit has hosted a series of experience days over the last 12 months welcoming brain injury solicitors, case managers and NHS professionals.

During the course of the day, attendees will meet Reconnections’ clinical team of Neuro Occupational Therapists, Neuro Physiotherapists, Neuro Speech and Language Therapists, Neuro Psychologists, Clinical Psychologists, Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners and Rehabilitation Coaches.

They will also receive a tour of Calvert Lakes and Calvert Stables with the opportunity to take part in one of the centre’s award-winning activities.

“The Calvert Reconnections Experience Day has been designed to provide a flavour of how our clinically led, goal-driven approach to ABI rehabilitation is delivering life-changing outcomes,” explained Claire Appleton, Head of Service at Calvert Reconnections. “While our rehab model is unique, it is the quality and strength in depth of our clinical team that lead independent living trials with vocational rehab that really sets us apart.”

Added Claire: “Reconnections was a new venture for the Lake District Calvert Trust back in 2020 but we have worked tirelessly over the last four years to be recognised as a leading, specialist clinically-led ABI rehab unit.”

A team of solicitors from Carpenters Group, one of the UK’s leading providers of insurance and legal services, recently expressed their support for Calvert Reconnections after visiting for the day.

Commenting on their visit, Carol Hopwood, Solicitor, Head of Serious Injury and Intermediate Track Teams at Carpenters said: “I recently visited Calvert Reconnections with some of my colleagues from our Serious Injury Team and some case managers that we work with. We were all super impressed with the services on offer. It is a beautiful and inspiring location with a ‘think outside the box’ attitude to neuro-rehabilitation. The outcomes speak for themselves. We look forward to working together.”

Added Peter Parsonage, Solicitor, Serious Injury Department at Carpenters: “The facilities and ethos of the place is incredible. Science, rehab and nature working in unison. No one wants to be in a position where they need rehab, but if you do, wouldn’t you want to do it with this backdrop.”

To find out more about Calvert Reconnections’ Experience Day on 27 September 2024 – or to arrange a separate visit – please contact