Calvert Reconnections fully supports Headway’s Action for Brain Injury Week (ABI Week) which runs from today until 26th May and provides a platform to raise awareness of brain injury.
The theme for this year is a life re-written.
The campaign will tell the story of plans gone awry. Most of us have at least a rough life-plan in our heads, however, plans can be violently thrown off course either by an illness or accident leading to brain injury.
A life re-written is about identity after brain injury. Headway is charting positive examples of brain injury survivors who have experienced post-traumatic growth and successfully rebuilt their careers, relationships and lives.
The campaign will not only illustrate life before and after brain injury, but it will also include reference to an individual’s ‘sliding doors’ moment e.g. the time their brain injury occurred or when they learned of their illness, this will bring it home how brain injury can happen to anyone at any time.
Said Claire Appleton, Head of Service at Calvert Reconnections: “We fully support Headway’s ABI Week 2024 which is showcasing inspiring stories of resilience and post-traumatic growth, whilst shedding light on the realities of life post-brain injury.”