Aquatic Physiotherapy

What is Aquatic Physiotherapy?

Aquatic Physiotherapy is a form of physiotherapy that is practiced in water, where the unique properties of water are used to benefit the client’s treatment. This treatment can be rehabilitative with the aim of increasing physical function and independence, or can be to assist in maintaining a current level of physical function and mobility.

The properties of water and effects of immersion, provide an environment with a number of benefits:

  • The warmth of the water and the hydrostatic pressure reduce muscle spasm and tone, promote relaxation, improve circulation and cardiovascular (heart and lung) function and reduce peripheral swelling.
  • Increased confidence to move and challenge your balance in a safe and supportive environment
  • The ability to perform exercises without having to work against gravity
  • Low-impact form of exercise as you will be supported by the buoyancy of the water.

We use the water to help give confidence and support, but also to challenge clients using the drag, turbulence and resistance properties of the water. We use a variety of floats, supports and equipment to enhance your treatment within the pool. We also have an aquatic treadmill, which offers us the opportunity to work on gait and mobility in a supported, low impact environment.

Clinic times
Tuesday morning 9am-1pm at Calvert Lakes Hydrotherapy Pool

Initial assessment 1 hour £80
Follow up aquatic session 30mins – £86

Referrals and enquiries
We can take referrals directly from individuals or from healthcare professionals.
To make an appointment, or if you have an enquiry, please:
email us or call Jo Dixon or Stef Harrison on 017687 85381

Please bear in mind it may take up to 7 working days for us to get back to you due to working patterns.


What to expect

Your first appointment will be a land based assessment with your physiotherapist and can take place at Calvert Reconnections in Keswick, at your home (depending on location), or at Calvert Lakes site. This will be discussed with you over the phone prior to the assessment.
At your initial assessment, your physiotherapist will start by discussing your injury or condition and what you hope to achieve through your aquatic physiotherapy sessions. We will then look at your physical function and movement in order to plan the most appropriate treatment in the pool.
Follow up treatment sessions are 30mins in the water with your physiotherapist, where your treatment will be continuously reviewed and progressed as appropriate. Our hydrotherapy pool is large and so during the pool sessions, it is likely that there will also be other clients in the pool. Please discuss with us if you have any concerns or questions regarding sharing the pool with others.
We are happy to work with other clinicians who may be involved in your care such as NHS therapists or private physiotherapists.

What to bring
  • Swimwear
  • Towel
  • Toiletries
It may be helpful for you to wear splash shoes on your feet for grip whilst walking on poolside and in the pool.
If you need assistance with your personal care please attend your appointment with a carer, as staff will be unable to assist you.
Members of staff will however be available to help you with accessing the pool, using the steps, chair hoist or overhead hoist if required
Do I need to be able to swim?

No, you are not required to be able to swim in order to participate in aquatic physiotherapy. We will adapt your treatment sessions depending on your comfort, confidence and abilities within the pool.


Is Aquatic Physiotherapy right for me?

You will be assessed on land by a physiotherapist before your first aquatic physiotherapy appointment to check that there aren’t any reasons that you shouldn’t come into the hydrotherapy pool. There are certain conditions which may prevent you from accessing aquatic physiotherapy and we will go through a checklist of these at your assessment.

What changing facilities are available?

We have individual wet room changing rooms with toilets and shower facilities within them. Each room has grab rails and shower seating available. Our poolside changing rooms also have shower trolleys available.
How will I get into the pool?
Access to the pool is either by a set of steps with handrails, by a chair hoist or by an overhead tracking hoist if needed.

What if I am incontinent?

There are ways that we can help you to manage incontinence that will potentially allow you to still access the pool. There are special garments available for clients who are incontinent. Incontinence of the bladder is more easily managed but bowel incontinence can also be managed carefully. Please speak to us for more information.

How will I feel afterwards?

The warm temperature of the water and exercise can make you feel tired after the session so be prepared to need to rest or possibly sleep afterwards. It’s important to make sure that you remain hydrated and drink plenty of water following your appointment. Any tiredness or post-exercise soreness should be short-lived and resolve within 24 hours. If you find that is not the case, please let your physiotherapist know at the next appointment so that we can adapt the session appropriately.


Cancelled appointments

When we have an appointment scheduled, this time is held exclusively for that client. We therefore require at least 24 hours notice for cancellation of an appointment to not incur any charges. We will reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee of 100% of the treatment cost, if you don’t attend an appointment with less than 24 hours of notice.

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